New Evangelisation
“Go, make disciples of all nations…”
(Matthew 28:19-20)
This is the mission that Jesus Christ gave to the church. Hence, evangelisation is the work of every baptised Catholic,
to witness and proclaim the Good News to all strata of society.
The New Evangelisation is not a new mission or a new Gospel but new ardour, new methods and new expressions to call all Catholics, working in communion to:
Renew our faith and our relationship with Jesus, the Word of God;
Live our faith daily, through prayer, worship and service;
Share our faith with everyone, through our proclamation and witness in every sphere of life, using approaches relevant to today’s society.
The New Evangelisation is for the transmission of faith to:
Those who do not know Jesus Christ;
The baptised whose lives do not reflect the demands of baptism;
The faithful who regularly takes part in community worship.
(Evangelii Gaudium #14)
Four Tenets of the New Evangelisation
- Word
- Worship
- Communion
- Witness
We seek and experience with joy a personal relationship with Jesus through our personal encounter and
re-encounter with Him that leads to our continual conversion and a deepening of our commitment to Him.
We renew the vibrancy of Liturgical celebrations, especially the Eucharist, by wholehearted and prayerful preparation
and participation, and we celebrate the Sacraments authentically by living them out in our daily lives.
We live, love and serve in communion with God, and with each other within the Church (priests, religious and laity)
so as to bring all peoples to communion with God and with each other.
We share our faith in every sphere of life through our proclamation of the Good News and the witness of our life,
according to our charism and discerned vocation, and using approaches, methods and expressions relevant to today’s society,
specially reaching out in love and service to the poor, marginalised and disadvantaged in society.
Consecration Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Courtesy of Br. Claude Lane
OSB, Mount Angel Abbey,
Saint Benedict, OR, USA
Most holy Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ,
We praise and thank God for His mighty works in you.
O Blessed Mother, Star of the New Evangelisation;
We consecrate the New Evangelisation for Singapore
to your Most Immaculate Heart
and implore your intercession
for a mighty renewal of the Catholic Church in Singapore.
We entrust to you all priests, religious and laity.
Guide our leaders to imitate your humility and obedience to God
and to be docile to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
May all hearts be converted and re-ignited with love for Christ
and inflamed with evangelical zeal,
so as to bear witness to God’s loving salvation.
Mary, Mother of the Church,
unite us with Sacred Heart of Jesus,
to be a people of communion in mission.
May your constant love and guidance be the light of refuge
that leads us to your son, Jesus.
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God,
that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.